Saturday, February 25, 2012

Am I really get true sleep on Ambien?

Last night was my first time taking Ambien for sleep problems. I fell asleep quickly and had a life like bad dream. I'm taking it in addition to Klonopin that used to take for sleep problems but it no longer works so I take it mainly for my RLS. With these vivid dreams am I really get "true sleep". I know that sleeping meds impair your ability to stay away, and thats why you sleep... ?


I also take Ambien and Klonopin for sleep problems and anxiety, respectively. It helps me sleep, but I think the thing to keep in mind is to not use them everyday unless you really need to. This prevents you from building a tolerance, especially to Klonopin. With tolerance they have less effect and can also bring on an addcition, which is also common for the benzos, ie Klonopin, Xanax and Valium. All the benzos are similar, but with my experience, Valium tends to help better with sleeping. You should also try other techniques to compliment the medications too, in order to lessen your dependence on them. It's good to get some exercise earlier in the day, even a nice walk. Avoid caffience six hours before you plan to go to sleep, reserving your bed for sleeping only, and getting up for a little while from bed if you can't sleep in order to retain your minds association with your bed as a place to sleep. Hope this helps.

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